A Dirty Secret Behind Suzanne Somers....

Good Morning!

BioTrust Nutrition Blogger here to share a little dirty secret that was exposed to me this am by none other then Kyle Leon the creator of Muscle Maximizer Review.

So you want in on the dirty little secret about Suzanne Somers? Just read the message below I received and you will be in on the dirty little secret.

Suzanne Somers has a dirty Anabolic secret...

No doubt, she looks fabulous for 68.

Certainly, she has had some work done to her face.

Yet, her body is incredible for a woman her age.

And it's not Thigh Masters keeping her sultry and trim at 68.

Rather, it's her dirty Anabolic Secret...

Here's what that dirty secret is...

In the 70's, 80's and 90's there was one man who was an absolute pioneer for exercise. He was way ahead of his time, and most of his concepts -- and this extremely rare -- have been proven to be sound.

He could get anyone in incredible shape faster than anyone else.

It was his claim to faim.

So, right up until his death, Hollywood would send actors and actresses to him to get in shape.

Especially those over 40.

His name, Vince Gironda.

Suzanne Somers was one of his clients.

He lead his clients through a routine that usually only took 30 minutes and there was an emphasis on plenty of rest.

Well Vince had incredible intuition that if you used simple principles to increase strength, that it would increase your lean muscle mass.

And when that happens, you force fat off your body, you look great (crucial for Hollywood) and your metabolism fires up like a nuclear reactor.

Well, I can't say outright, but Suzanne "may" still be using the same thing.

Regardless - since Vince's passing -- it's come to light that he was absolutely correct.

Over the age of 40 if you train using a unique targeted strategy like this old school one it will fast track your success.

The good news is...

Steve and Becky Holman are the ones who are still pioneering this system now known as FX4 and it delivers incredible results to their male and female clients.

It's an excellent system, and in fact since I'm now getting a few grays in my locks, it's how I actually train.

See it here:

==> Quickly Sculpt Your Body While Slowing Aging To A Crawl

Stay young,

Kyle Leon

So what did you think? Pretty Impressive? Had you even ever heard of Vince Gironda aka the Iron Guru? I hadn't but then again I'm not into Hollywood either. Never the less history is always interesting and well it always repeats itself so I'm not surprised about how his techniques have came to full circle.
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